59 yo female with a PMH of HTN, T2DM (diagnosed 15 years ago), HLD who presented with 3 days of dyspnea, cough found to have b/l pleural effusions. She denies fevers or chills. No recent travels. She has a history of orthopnea and nocturnal dyspnea. |
01/29/2021 - 2:00pm EST to 01/29/2022 - 3:00pm EST |
59yoF w/ PMH pre-DM, HTN, aortic mitral sclerosis, prior muscle pain from atorvastatin (since stopped), presenting with full body aches, low back pain, bilateral knee pain. |
10/21/2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT |
60-year-old female from Haiti, with PMH of HTN and depression, presenting with 1 month of progressive upper and lower back pain, and dyspnea. |
08/05/2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT |
61y/o male with COPD on 3L oxygen at home, hx of Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis, CAD, HTN, DVT on apixaban, Anxiety, Depression, BPH with LUTS admitted on 9/10/21 for COPD exacerbation. |
10/07/2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT |
62 yo F with reported seizure-like activity, persistent hypoglycemia, septic shock from possible aspiration pneumonia (COVID rule out), UTI, severe lactic acidosis, acute on chronic liver failure, hyperammonemia, and oligoanuric acute kidney injury. |
02/25/2021 - 2:00pm EST to 02/25/2022 - 3:00pm EST |
67 year old male with PMH of non-proteinuric CKD stage 3, bipolar disorder, gout and COPD who presented to renal VA clinic with complaint of excessive day-time urinary frequency (every 1.5 hrs) and nocturia every 2 hrs causing sleep disturbance |
07/29/2021 - 2:00pm EDT to 07/29/2022 - 3:00pm EDT |
69 years old female with PMH of ESKD, diabetic nephropathy, GERD, HTN, HLD, OA. CC: Worsening edema and worsening lower extremities pain. Admitted for volume overload secondary to PD failure (non-compliance). |
03/25/2021 - 2:00pm EDT to 03/25/2022 - 3:00pm EDT |
70 yo female with history of GERD, anxiety, type II DM, HTN, Graves disease, who presented to the ED for a 1-day history of abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting and found to be hyponatremic with a sodium level of 115. |
07/22/2021 - 2:00pm EDT to 07/22/2022 - 3:00pm EDT |
72 year old male with a past medical history of hodgkins lymphoma s/p splenectomy and complicated by radiation induced pulmonary fibrosis, hypothyroidism, transitional cell carcinoma of the right ureter who presented with dyspnea, malaise. |
09/23/2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT |
72M veteran w/ PMH of CKD3 baseline Cr 1.3-1.4, recently 2.17 (11/20), grade 3 follicular lymphoma, microcytic anemia, alcohol use disorder, HTN, HLD, tobacco abuse, COPD, depression, who presented to VA with diarrhea x3 weeks, cough, COVID+. |
03/04/2021 - 2:00pm EST to 03/04/2022 - 3:00pm EST |