How to Find the ASCVD Risk Score

1. Viewing the ASCVD Risk Score in Chart Review → SnapShot

  • If you notice any issues with the calculator, or have any questions, please contact [email protected]

This is an image of the ASCVD 10 year risk score Print Group from EPIC's SnapShot. The Print Group shows an estimated risk score, and component data that goes into the risk score calculation.

ResultWhat It Means
N/APatient has clinical ASCVD and/or not between 40-79 years old
  • Missing Data
    • Race: To update, click patient's name, then Clinical Information
    • Smoking Status: To update, click History, then Substance Use
  • Invalid value
    • Systolic Blood Pressure is outside of 90 – 200
    • Total Cholesterol is outside of 130 - 320
    • HDL is outside of 20-100

2. Wrench the score into your schedule

This image shows the ASCVD risk score percentage when it is brought into a provider's schedule in EPIC

3. Use the ASCVD system smartphrase .ASCVD or custom smartphrase .ASCVDCID
A picture of two EPIC smartphrases for documenting the ASCVD 10-year risk score

High ASCVD Risk Patient Lists

  • We have shared lists of patients with an 10-Year ASCVD risk score ≥ 7.5 in EPIC. The list starts with "ASCVD Opportunities" and is accessible under the Shared Lists Folder.




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