1 Start 2 Complete Please fill out this form and submit in order to cancel a registration. If a refund is owed to you, the staff at BU-CCE will be in touch. Name of Program for Refund * Please enter the title of the program. Date of Program * Please provide the date of the program. If multiple days, just the start day is fine. Month MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year Year20222023202420252026 Amount Paid * Refunds, less an administrative fee, will be issued for all cancellations received two weeks prior to the start of the meeting. Should cancellation occur within the two-week window, a credit will be issued, not a refund. Credits will be honored for up to two years. “No shows” are subject to the full course fee. Refunds or credits will not be issued once the conference has started. Please enter 0 if nothing is owed and you simply want to cancel your registration. Please include your full name * Confirm or provide email address * Leave this field blank