1 Start 2 Complete Submit responses to the Session 2 assignment to this form. Submissions will be posted to Padlet. E-mail * Name (First and Last) * District/School * Write out your district/school Region * If you're unsure about your region, you can find it here: https://cme.bu.edu/sites/default/files/towns%20by%20RC%20region%202022.pdf West (Berkshire, Franklin) West (Hampden, Hampshire) Northeast Metrowest Boston Central Southeast Other... Region Other... What topic do you plan to work on as a CQI project? * a. Chronic absenteeism b. Health needs for English Language Learners (ELL) students c. Overweight and obesity d. Mental health referrals e. Healthcare needs for homeless or marginally housed students f. Individual healthcare plan development for students with special healthcare needs g. Screening referrals h. Haven’t decided Other... What topic do you plan to work on as a CQI project? Other... Continue adding universal and tier 1 school nurse strategies you are currently working on or plan to use to address chronic absenteeism in your district. List one or more tier 2 school nurse strategies you are currently working on or plan to use to address chronic absenteeism in your district. * Updating your CQI Project (post before March 6th, 2025)Provide an update on your CQI project using last year's challenge model or a PDSA worksheet. Fillable Challenge Model (PDF)Fillable PDSA Worksheet (PDF) Upload updates on your CQI project * You can upload either a PDSA worksheet or the challenge model. Both are linked above.Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: pdf doc. For the May Session, we'd like to hold a session for school nurse leaders to share their CQI projects with each other. Would you be interested in presenting? (either through a poster session or a PowerPoint; completely optional) * Yes No Leave this field blank