Day 2 - Students and Families
Lesson 2A:
Children with Special Health Care Needs: IHPs, 504s, & IEPs
This lesson includes 4 (four) sections and will take about 60 minutes to complete. Please make sure you scroll down the page and participate in all sections.
- Review four (4) recorded PPTs (25 minutes):
- Introduction
- The Individual Health Plan (IHP)
- The 504 Plan
- Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Introduction
- Required Readings (20 minutes):
- Website Review (10 minutes):
- Optional readings:
- For further information on Section 504, we recommend the comprehensive document: Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 Public Elementary and Secondary Schools. Novice school nurses will find the following sections particularly helpful in understanding how Section 504 could apply to their students:
- The Meaning of Disability Under Section 504, p 3-4
- An Overview of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), p 10-11
- Student Evaluations and Placement Scenarios, p 14-23; p 29-31
- Handouts:
- For further information on IEPs, see the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education website. Particularly helpful is DESE’s IEP Process Guide.
- For further information on IEPs, see the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education website. Particularly helpful is DESE’s IEP Process Guide.
- For further information on Section 504, we recommend the comprehensive document: Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 Public Elementary and Secondary Schools. Novice school nurses will find the following sections particularly helpful in understanding how Section 504 could apply to their students: