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  • 1.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 1.25 BMC Nursing
  • 1.25 Participation
Thank you for participating in this program. Once logged in, please click on "Take Course" on the right-hand side and your enrollment will be recorded. Click the red prompts to watch the video, complete the posttest, evaluation and claim your credit.  You must watch the entire video to earn credit.
  • Primary Care
  • 1.00 ACPE Pharmacy
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 1.00 ANCC
  • 1.00 Social Work (ACE)
  • 1.00 Participation
There is no charge to take this program. Please click on the red button above to register.  You may be asked to create an account before you register.  How we can help ourselves, and our patients, heal unhealthy relationships with food and eating.Leveraging findings from habit change science as well as mindfulness practice, the behavior change model Dr. Jud Brewer will describe involves:
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 170,000 children and teens are treated each year for sports or recreation-related traumatic brain injuries, including concussions. Playing or practicing with a concussion is dangerous and can lead to a longer recovery time and an increased risk of developing a more serious brain injury. This course will help you create an environment that supports students who have suffered a concussion that allows them to safely return to learn and play.
  • 1.00 Participation
What are the health screening requirements for MA school-aged children? Learn best practices for conducting BMI and Postural health screenings.This course provides information on how to conduct Body Mass Index (BMI) and postural screenings, according to MA laws, regulations, and best practice recommendations.
  • SHIELD DESE Mandated Course
  • 2.50 Participation
♦ NOTE: This course does contain specific training in the new vision screening protocols.  
  • SHIELD DESE Mandated Course
  • 12.00 Participation
How do school nurses work at the intersection of public health education, and primary care to keep students safe, healthy, and ready to learn?School nurses play an essential role in keeping students healthy, safe, and ready to learn. When accepting a position in a school environment, nurses sometimes don't fully understand their role beyond providing clinical services to students. They need additional information about their role in order to become leaders and public health partners in ensuring health and wellness - in their school, district, and community.
  • SHIELD DESE Mandated Course
  • 14.50 Participation
How do School Nurses work at the intersection of public health education, and primary care to keep students safe, healthy, and ready to learn?School nurses play an essential role in keeping students healthy, safe, and ready to learn. When taking on a position in schools, nurses don’t always understand their role beyond providing clinical services to students. They need additional information about the roles they must assume to be leaders and public health partners to assure health and wellness - in their school, district, and community.
  • 2.50 Participation
COST: FREECREDIT: 2.5 PARTICIPATION CreditLooking for the Version of this course with nursing credit? It can be found here.What systems do school nurse managers use to ensure CSHS funds are utilized appropriately? 
  • SHIELD DESE Mandated Course
  • 2.75 Participation
This is the audit version of the Medication Administration in a School Setting: School Nursing Practice in Massachusetts course. What do nurses need to know about medication administration in Massachusetts schools?This online course provides the key information every public and private School Nurse needs to know about medication administration and delegation in Massachusetts schools, including laws and regulations, school nurse role and responsibilities, and best practice approaches.
  • 1.00 Participation
How do I safely administer medications to a student?School nurses can assign (delegate) the administration of some medications or nursing tasks to be completed by unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) when the nurse will be unavailable to do so (e.g., during field trips).This course describes the roles and responsibilities of UAPs in administering medications under the supervision of the school nurse. Scenarios are used to illustrate how to safely administer medications by applying the Five Rights of Medication Administration.
