2024 Controversies in Internal Medicine Conference

Hilton Head, SC US
May 6, 2024 to May 10, 2024

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Click on the "Program" tab to view the agenda.

Topics include updates and controversies in:

  • General Medicine
  • Gastroenterology
  • Endocrine / Diabetes
  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • Rheumatology 
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Renal / Metabolic
The intent of this conference is to enhance the clinical competence of participating clinicians by providing a format for adult learning that includes lectures, case‐based small group workshops, interactive question and answer sessions as well as time for personal expert faculty consultations. It also provides a week long forum for generalists to learn from their peers in a program that fosters collaborative sharing of patient care issues especially with respect to active and evolving internal medicine controversies.
Co-Provided with Northwell Health
What previous attendees are saying:
  • "Such a great conference! I was completely engaged, topics were relevant and the information was not underwhelming or overwhelming! Will definitely recommend to colleagues/friends."
  • "Exemplary conference! Wonderful speakers, very impactful and applicable to my practice setting!"
  • "I once again thoroughly enjoyed the conference. The instructors have always been welcoming with audience questions."
  • "This is an excellent course. The presenters are great speakers and present evidence based medicine that is not overwhelming."

Use coupon code CONHH2024 by April 25, 2024 to receive $100 off your registration fee

COVID-19 Safety Precautions

Boston University and South Carolina have lifted their mask mandate for event spaces.   However, we remain mask flexible.  We will have masks available for anyone who wants one.  

Please note we will be following all Boston University event and meeting protocols to ensure the health and safety of all attendees, staff, and the local community and will update all attendees on these protocols as we get closer to the meeting date. 

Target Audience

Primary Care Physicians, Internists, Family Practice Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, and Physician Assistants

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this conference the participants will be able to:

  • Describe the latest medical controversies in primary care that have arisen because of new advances in disease processes and patient outcome data.
  • Identify such problems in their practice and work settings.
  • Choose and provide appropriate treatment for such issues.

Additional Information

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 20.00 ABIM Medical Knowledge
  • 20.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

    Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine designates this Live activity for a maximum of 20.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

  • 20.00 ANCC
    • 19.25 ANCC Pharmacology
  • 20.00 Participation
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
05/06/2024 - 8:00am EDT
Event ends: 
05/10/2024 - 12:30pm EDT
MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024             
7:30 AMBreakfast            
8:00Welcome by Course Directors            
 David L. Battinelli, MD and Robert Lowe, MD            
8:05Beyond the "C" - the Other Hepatitis Viruses            
 Robert Lowe, MD            
8:50AMThe Long, Dark Teatime of the Sole: Guidelines for Diabetic Foot Infection             
 Gopal Yadavalli, MD            
9:35AMBeyond Stress and Echoes:  Incorporating Coronary CT Angiography and Cardiac MRI into Your Clinical Practice            
 Louis Miller, MD            
10:35Acute Kidney Injury: From Bedside to Bench and Back            
 Steven Borkan, MD            
11:20WORKSHOPS - A, B, C              
 A.     Assessing Risk and Reward: Caring for Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy            
 Louis Miller, MD            
 B.      The Great Gatsby: The Rise and Fall of... Serum Calcium            
 Sonia Ananthakrishnan, MD            
 C.      Rheumatology: Clinical Conundrums             
 Michael York, MD            
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2024             
7:30 AMBreakfast            
8:00AMBrave New World- The Utopia vs Dystopia with GLP-1 and GIP therapy             
 Sonia Ananthakrishnan, MD            
8:45Pain Everywhere, All the Time, Forever (Fibromyalgia)            
 Michael York, MD            
9:30Common and Important Rashes            
 Amit Garg, MD            
10:30Controversies in Internal Medicine Part I            
 David Battinelli, MD            
11:15WORKSHOPS - D, E, F            
 D.     Hepatology: Clinical Conundrums            
 Robert Lowe, MD            
 E.      The Great Gatsby: The Rise and Fall of... Serum Calcium            
 Sonia Ananthakrishnan, MD            
 F.  Common and Important Spots & Rashes Review            
 Amit Garg, MD            
WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 2024             
7:30 AMBreakfast            
8:00Controversies in Internal Medicine Part II            
 David Battinelli, MD            
8:45Common and Important Spots            
 Amit Garg, MD            
9:30AMReduced, Preserved, Recovered, and Everything in Between:  The Evidence for Quadruple Therapy Across the Heart Failure Spectrum            
 Louis Miller, MD            
10:30Fahrenheit 101: Guidelines for Fever in the Critically Ill            
 Gopal Yadavalli            
11:15WORKSHOPS -  G, H, I            
 G.     Assessing Risk and Reward: Caring for Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy            
 Louis Miller, MD            
 H.     Slowing Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease             
 Steven Borkan, MD            
 I.        Hepatology: Clinical Conundrums            
 Robert Lowe, MD            
THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2024             
7:30 AMBreakfast            
8:00Walking Urgencies: Outpatient Nephrology Challenges            
 Steven Borkan, MD            
8:45Of Mice to Men - Updates in Interpreting TSH in Hypothyroidism            
 Sonia Ananthakrishnan, MD            
9:30Is it Lupus?  Diagnosing Lupus and Interpreting the ANA             
 Michael York, MD            
10:30New Approaches in Inflammatory Bowel Disease            
 Robert Lowe, MD            
11:15WORKSHOPS - J, K, L            
 J.  Rheumatology: Clinical Conundrums            
 Michael York, MD            
 K.      Hepatology: Clinical Conundrums            
 Robert Lowe, MD            
 L.       Slowing Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease             
 Steven Borkan, MD            
FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024             
7:30 AMBreakfast            
8:00Controversies in Internal Medicine Part III            
 David Battinelli, MD            
8:45Beating Diuretic Resistance             
 Steven Borkan, MD            
10:00Affirm No More: Contemporary Management of Atrial Fibrillation            
 Louis Miller, MD            
10:45One Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: The Latest on Vaccines for Respiratory Infections            
 Gopal Yadavalli, MD            
Program is subject to change